Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Infamous Sheriff Dupnik

Okay, now we're getting the rest of the story.  Sheriff Dupnik is more like a politician than a law enforcer. 

(The Hill)- In a floor speech nearly three years ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid praised the sheriff investigating the deadly Arizona shooting spree who has faced criticism from the right.
Reid (D-Nev.) took to the Senate floor on April 15, 2008, to praise the “truly commendable” 50-year law enforcement career of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.
“Clarence Dupnik is known as a man of action, integrity and innovation,” Reid said. “These skills have been invaluable to his 50 years of service to Arizona, and the nation.”
A number of media figures and lawmakers, including conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, have criticized Dupnik for saying that a high level of political “vitriol” was connected to the incident that ended with Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.) being shot in the head at close range.
Dupnik, on the Saturday of the shooting, blasted “the vitriol and rhetoric we hear day in and day out from people on radio, on TV,” and called Arizona “the mecca of prejudice and hatred.”

1 comment:

Jullou said...

Well, at least the Arizona Republic has it right.
